Strøm Mixx

Strøm Mixx 031: Sparkly Pony

Strøm Mixx 031: Sparkly Pony

Sparkly Pony is a Swedish Berlin based DJ, producer and party organizer. His DJ career started early after he attended a DJ-workshop at the age of 14, and after years of practicing in his teen bedroom, he was able to get his first club gigs at the legal age of 18. His...

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Strøm Mixx 030: Eliott Litrowski

Strøm Mixx 030: Eliott Litrowski

Schooled to the sound of Parisian institutions Le Pulp, Batofar and Rex Club, first as an attendee then from behind the decks, French producer and DJ Eliott Litrowski has since laid down the foundation to a strikingly dynamic and light-hearted body of work, which...

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Strøm Mixx 029: Kuchulu

Strøm Mixx 029: Kuchulu

Between their residency on Istanbul based Root Radio, multiple guest shows, VA appearances, activism and performances across the Copenhagen club scene, Azi aka. KUCHULU is swiftly making a name for themselves. As a DJ, they create sceneries where otherwise different...

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Strøm Mixx 028: Papa Marni

Strøm Mixx 028: Papa Marni

Papa Marni’s involvement in the Copenhagen scene goes way back. He was a rapper in the late 80’s and early 90’s, before finding his way behind the decks in ’97. At first it was all about the sounds of House, Disco, Funk and Afro, until Reggae hit him. He began...

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Strøm Mixx 027: Enotea

Strøm Mixx 027: Enotea

Enotea is a Berlin based musician, writer and filmmaker whose sound is in constant flux. They have made two albums and several EPs under aliases like Teiid and Kid Enotea. Their latest album, In The Light Room was released on the independent label InterCourse and is...

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Strøm Mixx 026: TSUNIMAN

Strøm Mixx 026: TSUNIMAN

TSUNIMAN er en schweizisk-født DJ baseret i London. Siden 2019 har de været aktive som del af kollektiverne Sisu Crew og Co-Select der begge arbejder med repræsentation bag pulten og scenen, samt som resident på fetish- og kink-festerne Klub Verboten på E1. Derudover...

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Strøm Mixx 025: Boj Lucki

Strøm Mixx 025: Boj Lucki

Det 25. indspark i Strøm Mixx serien kommer til os fra bosnisk-svenske Bojan Lucik, bedre kendt som Boj Lucki. Siden 2001 har han med Klubb Rekyl bragt navne som Goldie, LTJ Bukem, Ragga Twins og Fabio & Grooverider til bashungrende skandinavere. På sit label...

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Strøm Mixx 024: Asmus Odsat

Strøm Mixx 024: Asmus Odsat

Asmus Odsat treater med nyt Strøm Mixx, det 24. i serien. Et smukt og chilleren mix, der starter rart og roligt for så at udvikle sig over den næste time. Asmus er dj, producer og alt muligt godt. Han er snart aktuel på Sugars label Perfumery, og har tidligere udgivet...

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Strøm Mixx 023: Sham

Strøm Mixx 023: Sham

Direkte til december: Sham smider det seneste Strøm Mixx i serien og dedikerer det til “de smil vi sender ud til hinanden på dansegulvet, hvor vi føler os lidt ekstra lækre.” Sham siger, at mixet minder om settet inden lukkesettet drøner igang. Hård...

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