Stem Strømsk: Vi er nomineret i kategorien Byens Bedste Musikoplevelse 2023
Vi har herligt nyt: Vi er nomineret i kategorien Byens Bedste Musikoplevelse i Berlingskes årlige ‘Byens Bedste 2023’. Vi konkurrerer i et flot felt af skønne og stærke kandidater, så vi bliver selvfølgelig helt afsindigt glade, hvis I stemmer på os og giver den...
Strøm Festival 2023: Inner Travels with VibroAcoustics
Experience the healing power of bass: Close your eyes, lie down on the vibrating VibroAcoustics floors and let the low-frequency sound massage work wonders on your entire system while you fly away into dreamy soundscapes. If you love the way the sound of deep bass...
Strøm Festival 2023: Tunnel Visions
New musical adventures await: Join us in our late-summer oasis for a full day and night of new sights and perspectives at the edge of the city. Expand your musical horizons and travel on shimmering fata morganas and spellbinding frequencies from the sand dunes of the...
Strøm Festival 2023: Multichannel Round Trip – explore your own sonic adventure
Imagine a weird mirror world of busy sewage people below your feet, reflecting the city life above through sound. Imagine rhythms from the underground unveiling and intensifying what goes on in your psyche. This is what might happen when you dive into the Multichannel...
Strøm Festival 2023: Down the Rabbit Hole with ALICE
Follow us to wonderland as we take you on a soundtrip between worlds. Our Friday event is for the adventurous ravers and curious listeners, moving between genres and across borders and boundaries, taking you all over the globe in twelve hours, from Kurdistan to...
The wildest train journey of the year is back: Trans Metro Express 2023
Get on the party train and join us for one of Strøm’s oldest and most popular excursions: Four electronic acts playing live on a moving metro train. All you need is a ticket to the metro and a taste for underground adventures. Jump on the party train and join...
Strøm til din indbakke: Festivaldatoer + årets team + kom med til launch-event på tagterrassen
Fik du Strøms nyhedsbrev i indbakken i formiddags? Ellers kan du læse det hele lige nedenfor via linket. Læs blandt andet om– årets team– datoer for festivalen– musikchefens første udtalelser– hele holdets favorit-Strøm-øjeblikke– flere...
The Sound Laboratory: These machines from the past might shape the future
Strøm and Art Music Denmark are collaborating on a sound art project that looks into the past – and very possibly the future, too. Strøm and Art Music Denmark are launching the project ‘The Sound Laboratory’ (Lydlaboratoriet) which aims to preserve and...
Unge, spirende kulturskabere: Ansøg til K101 årgang 2023 – og få både teoretisk og praktisk erfaring med festivalproduktion
Strøm giver igen 15 unge, spirende kulturskabere muligheden for at få både teoretisk og praktisk indsigt i branchen.
Meet the Strøm Team
Meet the team behind Strøm Festival 2023 – and the people behind all the other Strøm activities. And read about our favourite Strøm moments through the years. From packed trains and swimming pools to lucid dreams and sound systems the size of houses. Simone...