Strøm Mixx 001: Fergus Murphy takker af som kurator

Efter tre år i Strøms kuratorgruppe er det blevet tid til at sige farvel for nu til Fergus Murphy, som giver os alle et spritnyt mix i afskedsgave.

af | 19. maj 2020

Efter tre år i Strøms kuratorgruppe er det blevet tid til at sige farvel for nu til Fergus Murphy. Fergus træder ud på grund af kuratorgruppens rotationsprincip, som betyder, at man maksimalt kan sidde i tre år, men kommer fortsat til at være tilknyttet Strøm i andre funktioner. Fergus har som afskedsgave lavet et særligt mix, du kan høre længere nede.

Fergus fortæller her om sit forhold til Strøm. Vi har valgt at give ordet direkte til ham, og da Fergus er fra Dublin, svarer han på engelsk.


Hvad er dit yndlingsminde fra din tid i Strøm?

I have so many different memories of Strøm that are activated by hearing music or being reminded of someone. Most recently, the sad passing of Detroit producer, DJ and teacher Mike Huckaby reminded me of the 2012 Strøm Festival when he was teaching as part of the Strøm Knowledge programme. Like all great teachers, Mike was always a student and the memory of him deep in conversation with Danish piano-players August Rosenbaum and Søren Kjærgaard was one of those perfect moments that come about through putting people in contact with one another.

I have been fortunate enough to be hosting talks and interviewing people since 2011 and have met so many incredible guests and inspirations. The scientific and spiritual revelations of Dr. Nielsen and Laaraji combined with Emma Warrens appeal to ‘Make Some Space’ and Søs Gunver Ryberg’s honesty are still resonating with me, and will for a long time.

I also have beautiful memories from last year in the sound-optimized Strøm Lab when after years of listening the penny drops gently and proof is offered. Trans Metro Express and the big soundsystems I love. Another standout show from recent times for me is the KUBE sessions on the little hill in Frederiksberg. Moses Boyd brought the fire and chops for all to hear.


Hvordan reflekterer dit mix din tid i Strøm? Hvordan har du ladet dig inspirere musikmæssigt?

I have started out with the gorgeous intuitive music of Sofie Birch, who supported Laraaji last year, and the genius that is Opiate/Thomas Knak. After that, it’s a meander through talents like Jeppe Volmer, Søs Gunver Ryberg, Moritz von Oswald Trio and sounds and artists activated by some of the memories mentioned above. I also threw in some old favourites that fitted the bill and tried to make it a nice and easy weird listen. Hope you enjoy it!


Hvad er Strøm for dig helt generelt? Hvad forbinder du med Strøm?

When I think of Strøm it is a name that I find so rich. It is of course electricity but also water that the name suggests. It is both the current and the flow – a stream of sound in waves and peaks. It is a simple methapor that perfectly describes the technology-driven sound and music culture which Strøm works with all year round. I also connect Strøm with working across the generations and disciplines – past, present and future at the same time, driven and unified by all the local and international collaborations that make up the contributions and influences.

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