Thank you to each and everyone who showed up for four electric days of Strøm: Three sound system parties at different locations, actual time travel at Glyptoteket, vibrating bass floors at Riises Landsted and two fully packed rave trains shooting through the city. Here’s a selection of some of the most captivating photos.

THANK YOU to Glyptoteket for the MUSIKZAG revival, to Fredens Ark for making space for the Sound System Peace Party, to The Copenhagen Metro for letting the Trans Metro Express mayhem happen every year, to ALICE at Stairway for the rooftop cooperations and for Frodes Folkehus for the food, to Lydbrøndene, to VibroAcoustics for their healing presence and bass vibrations, and to H15 for making space for an absolute banger of a block party in Kødbyen. And to the sound crew, the volunteers, the bartenders, and to everyone behind the decks and in front of the speakers.
Strøm Festival has been made possible through the support of Statens Kunstfond, Københavns Kommune, Frederiksberg Kommune, Frederiksbergfonden, Koda Kultur, Knud Højgaards Fond & William Demant Fonden. Thank you once again for supporting the festival so that we can make it happen.