Were you too busy during Strøm Festival to experience our sonic adventures bubbling up from the underground speakers in Lydbrøndene at Solbjerg Plads?
Cry no more! We are doing a rerun of all the sound pieces created for Strøm at Lydbrøndene for the last three festivals – and you can go and experience them for free at Solbjerg Plads throughout March and April 2025.
For a rerun of the works from Strøm Festival 2022 by Sofie Birch, CTM and Schacke, visit Solbjerg Plads on Friday March 14th at 17.30 or Saturday March 15th at 16.00.
From March 20th to March 29th, you can listen to the works composed for Strøm Festival 2023 by Julie Østengaard and Alfredo92.
And in April, you can listen to the pieces composed by Minais B & Francesca Burattelli (photo) and the duo Vanessa Amara. Dates coming up.
Thursdays and Fridays at 17.30
Saturdays at 16.00
A rerun of works from Strøm Festival 2022 – by Sofie Birch, CTM and Schacke
March 1st – March 15th
A rerun of works from Strøm Festival 2023 – by Julie Østengaard and Alfredo92
March 20th – March 29th
A rerun of the works from Strøm Festival 2024 – by Minais B & Francesca Burattelli + Vanessa Amara
Dates in April coming up
Lydbrøndene (the Sound Wells) are 32 speakers are installed below ground in 32 wells all around the city square of Solbjerg Plads on Frederiksberg, creating an underground sound system and a unique musical platform below our feet.
This multichannel sound system allows for musicians and sound artists to create multidimensional and dynamic soundscapes that curious visitors and passers-by can walk through and explore on their own.
Composed for Strøm Festival 2022
“Lolupupi Kutiku” by Sofie Birch
This piece intertwines nature recordings, synths, and sound-therapeutic instruments distributed across the 32 speakers of the Sound Wells. It is an experiment in creating a contemplative public space that soothes the busy mind while encouraging work strikes and mandatory meditation.
“Strings by CTM” by CTM/Cæcilie Trier
A piece for eight cellos. The composition serves as a dramatic and suspenseful soundtrack for an imaginary film drama. While string music in the public space is often experienced as a foreboding soundscape in elevators or back entrances to train stations (designed to discourage people from lingering) this piece seeks instead to invite the listener to become part of the imagined drama.
“Meta Retro Assimilation” by Schacke
“Meta Retro Assimilation” is the sound of an algorithm from a distant future attempting to recreate a track from the 1980s. Inspired by how modern algorithms can reconstruct rough images or sounds from data, “Meta Retro Assimilation” envisions a future so remote that it transcends our understanding of musical genres and linear time progression.
Composed for Strøm Festival 2023
Julie Østengaard: Sewage People
A sonic dystopia where fantasy creatures living in the wells observe the busy world above. This surreal collage blends humor and absurdity with reality: In a toxic, bubbling and absurd underground universe, a life of productivity, self-realization, and consumerism is mirrored through echoes of fragmented digital voices. Fake AI-generated advertisements playfully promise the impossible: To achieve it all without stress. A satirical reflection on the modern obsession with success and “having it all.”
Alfredo92: Scuttle (Pond version)
This piece sets out to unveil the hecticness and chaos that the stringent concrete architecture of the urban city square attempts to conceal. It will embrace and intensify the hecticness of transportation that goes on every day in the urban space above ground. And maybe below. Jump onto the hidden rhythms and see where they take you.
Conposed for Strøm Festival 2024
‘Café au Life’ is a reorganization of appropriated iconic musical material. It is both a processing of information as well as a reflection on context and “originality”.
“In this public space we hope the music, the words and the feeling can work as a gesture towards a shared experience of living a life”, Vanessa Amara says about their composition.
The music of the Vanessa Amara duo (Birk Gjerlufsen and Sebastián Santillana) is purposely difficult to classify. They work within a patchwork of playful absurdity and contemporary classical music. In 2013, Vanessa Amara released their first album “Both of Us” on the Copenhagen-based imprint Posh Isolation and have subsequently had nine releases out on the label. Their ninth full length album ‘Fonetica Amara’ is an adventurous and uncompromising addition. A truly singular voice in Scandinavian experimental music.
The Wishing Well “Ønskebrønden” is a 32-channel sound piece revolving around the well as a portal to new realities. 32 hymns about thirst and longing. 32 lost wishes singing in choir. A love song wishing you well.
Francesca Burattelli and Villads Klint are Copenhagen-based composers and musicians. They are both tied to the local experimental music scene and have collaborated on several occasions from live shows to performances and releases.
On the cover photo: Francesca Burattelli